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The Best Fuel

e-NRG was borne out of the necessity of delivering a fuel which was specifically packaged and labelled to be 'fit for purpose' and safe for use in liquid ethanol fireplaces. We found that while ethanol manufacturers were happy to market their fuel for use in this type of appliance, none of them addressed the precautions or appropriately educated their customers to mitigate the risks associated with flammable liquids and open flames.

e-NRG not only educates users of the hazards to be aware of when fuelling an ethanol fireplace it also incorporates multiple layers of safety with the inclusion of a flame arrester which eliminates the risks associated with flashbacks.


Delivering a product that goes above and beyond the safety measures of standard ethanol suppliers. e-NRG bioethanol is the safest bioethanol available on the market.

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Best Flame

e-NRG is specifically formulated with the perfect blend of ingredients to produce a vibrant orange flame.

Safety First

e-NRG offers proprietary operating tools and procedures that include two recommended ways to safely refill your ventless liquid ethanol fireplace.

Lowest Odour

We use only the highest quality ingredients for the purest experience.

Longest Burning Time

Tested against a multitude of formulas to ensure it burns for the longest time.


Using our e-NRG Adaptor and Safety Nozzle is the quickest and easiest way to refill your fireplace in minutes.

Flame Arrester

Our bottles are fitted with a flame arrester which makes it the safest available.

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We aim to get back to you in under 24 hours - if this timeline doesn’t suit your immediate needs, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone +61 (2) 9997 3050.